Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Decision of AmeriTrade Toys to Move Production to Chins Essay

Decision of AmeriTrade Toys to Move Production to Chins - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the primary duty or responsibility of an organization is to maximize the profits for its shareholders and doing within the legal boundaries. Hence, the decision of AmeriTrade Toys was acted out of duty and is ethical. Another factor to consider here is that if it had not moved to its production the company would have suffered losses and as a result would have been forced to cut down the workforce. Therefore, either way, jobs would have been lost. The economic benefits of the decision are that it would make AmeriTrade Toys profitable and allow it to make products available at a lower cost to the customer. Also, it would create economic opportunities in China by creating jobs. But this would come at the cost unemployment at Middletown negatively affecting its economy. The social costs of the decision are that the Middletown community would be destroyed and at the same would promote poor treatment and standard of life for Chinese workers. An alternative to ou tsourcing was to reduce the wages of the employees at Middletown explaining them the economic situation and the need to cut down on wages. This would have helped them gain the trust of the employees and the community. Also, AmeriTrade could have adopted other cost-cutting measures wherever possible. It is not ethical for AmeriTrade Toys to continue using Wen Wai as a manufacturer until and unless improvements are made to the working conditions. It is the company’s duty to ensure proper working conditions for the labors. AmeriTrade Toys is responsible for all its stakeholders and it cannot ignore the conditions of workers just because it is outsourced. Therefore, AmeriTrade has to work towards improving the conditions of the workers or discontinue using Wen Wai as a manufacturer as it would be unethical.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Hoani Waititi Social Services Case Study

Hoani Waititi Social Services Case Study Weizhi You (Peter) Alternative care placement for BD Workplace: hoani waititi social services 1 Outline the information and issues relevant to the decisions about the alternative placement for this individual. BD is a 13years old boy. The boy’s parent are both not working and they are drug and drunk everyday. The boy couldn’t receive the good care from the family, not enough food, always wear on dirty clothes. He’s suffered from abuse in verbal and physical. The grandparents called the social services for some help because they are old and could not look after BD, and they would like BD to be placed in foster care. After discuss with grandparents, the social workers decide to remove BD from the parents care to another family which is full of love and willing to look after DB. The social worker concerned the parents of DB and told them that their children will leave them until they change them self and find themselves. 2 What other information did you need to obtain? Safety: The person is safe from any kind of harm that comes from themselves, or any other person. Make sure he won’t be abused in foster care. Check if he is at risk of running away from foster are. Wellbeing: We need to check the boy’s health situation and the psychology health situations. The person’s wellbeing is looked after – for Maori people wellbeing should be considered in the holistic sense. We need concerned the family members and have a family meeting to discuss about it. Arrange the visit for grandparents. 3  Key points of information provided to the parties involved or other observations The boy is so silent and don’t want to talk with others and hide on the back of grandparents. So we spend the tie with BD and build the trust. The grandparents have pain legs and sore back who need take medications every day and no family members can take BD, so foster family is necessary. 4  Outline how decision making was facilitated in accordance with the service provider’s standard Gain information that is relevant to the decision making process. Before an Alternative Placement happens, the families including SW, BD, BD’ parents and BD’ grandparents may meet several times to discuss and share relevant information, issues and needs of the client for their safety and wellbeing. The safety and wellbeing of BD is the subject of an alternative care placement is the first consideration Social workers use verbal and non-verbal communications to obtain information relevant to decision making Obtaining sufficient information to facilitate decision making about the alternative care placement includes all information and issues relevant to all parties involved in the decision about the alternative care placement Keep the information confidential, and get family consent to discuss family concerns with outside agencies e.g drug agency. 5 other notes which reflect on the decision making process The boy and the whanau will have the different preferences for the placement, perhaps related to the ease of access for visiting etc. Cultural issues are an important consideration for social workers, particularly when dealing with Maori. Some information may reflect on the decision making process including Health needs, Language, safety, client’s privacy,spiritual needs, Dietary needs, Medication needs, Physical comfort Task 2 Student name: weizhi you(peter) Alternative care placement for BD Workplace: hoani waititi social services 1 Outline any further or additional information or issues relevant to the decisions about the alternative placement for this individual. DB is more shy and silent at first week, but with the help of social workers and new families, he becomes improved both in physical and psychology health. For the spiritual support, the social worker bring him to the marae to join in maori activities and practice maori culture. DB made friend with them and develop his social network. But from the feedback of school, he is not focus on study and seldom do the homework. BD will go to the same school so he won’t need to involved at another school. He always walk to school. BD is happy to live in the foster family, the risk of running away is low. 2How did you plan the placement in line with the decisions of the parties involved and any other key people? The social workers keep contact with family members involved. They keep contact with the fostr family and BD, gain feedbacks and make plan to help BD get used in the new family. They also contact with BD’s parents and grandparents. Helping BD’s parents stop drug and find a job to earn some money. They have a talk with the school and the teacher of BD then the school decide to spend extra hours to help BD study. 3 how did you plan the placement in line with ethical practice? Followed agency’s policies/protocols. Ethical practice, the ethics of social work practice also need to apply to decisions about alternative care placements. For example, it will be unethical to tell the person’s family the only place available was one a long distance away, because it had a vacancy and social worker can end their involvement quickly and move on to another case. A place was found nearly to garandparents’s home and easy to visit, families kept informed at all times of all the decision making. 4 how did you make sure that everything you did was focused on the current and future safety of the person who needed the alternative care placement? BD need to moved from home because he couldn’t receive the properly care from parents which is bad for his well beings. The social worker together with relevant people needs to determine the best alternative care placement for BD, with the safety and wellbeing of the person as the first consideration. 5 key points of information provided or other obeservations The parents of BD have agree to receive the help from the community and local organizations to stop drug. BD is happy living in the foster home. 6 outline how planning was facilitated in accordance with the service provider’s standards. Give examples Followed agency’s policies. Family Group Conference (FGC) lead by Youth Justice Co-ordinator and Social Work. Family group conference (FGC) supported CYF care as an interim measure. completion of checklists: all the paper should be done and checked, it need to be sign by social worker, care provider and families. security of information: make sure that all the information through inside the person who is involved. Confidentiality and keeping accurate records of conversations or meetings Social workers acknowledging the needs and issues of parties to the alternative care placement, use the interpersonal skills to work with the different parties and make sure everything goes on line. 7other notes reflect on the planning process Home environment: low risk – high risk safety issues. Always consider person’s safety and well being first. Family visit provide spiritual support. Task 3 Student name: weizhi you(peter) Alternative care placement for BD Workplace: hoani waititi social services 1how did you encourage self-determination of the person who is the subject of the alternative care placement? To encourage self-determination means encouraging families members to the plan to fulfil their identified roles, and to take ownership of these roles. Dependency on the social worker or social service provider needs to be discouraged. Encourage grandparents to visit. Provide BD’s parents 2or 3 councilling agencies to choose to solve their problems. Outlined agency’s objectives and appropriate legislation, backing up agencies mandate/kaupapa. Fully informed BD and whÄ nau/family of the parameters and scope of the meeting, and allowed them to define the best options. Informed all the decision making at all times before it satarts. Where possible I (agency) worked collaboratively with the family to find a middle ground where agency mandate and whÄ nau choices weren’t aligned. 2how did you discourage dependency on you as the social worker and the social service provider? Gave space (and resourced where necessary) so the whÄ nau/family could define their own possible solutions. Give them 2to3 useful local agencies and let BD’s parents choose the way to help themselves. Where possible the agency would step aside, so the family/whÄ nau could step up. 3how did you assist key people in the implementation of the plan to identify progress? I will provide key people with a care-plan that included key indicators of progress, such as attending school regularly, keeping curfew, behavioural contract etc and informed all decision making at all times. 4how did you assist parties to the plan to review the plan? What if any further options were identified? If the plan was amended, how was it amended? Regular meetings to review progress were held between social service provider,BD , whÄ nau and care giver(s). to check the which task has been achived so far and what to improve. When implementation of the plan is complete, the plan (in its entirety) needs to be reviewed. In some cases the review will result in further options being identified. The review may also determine some different outcomes in terms of achievement of objectives and these also need to be recorded in the plan 5 key points of information provided or other observations Parents have enrolled the drug councilling center 6outline the implementation was in accordance with the service provider’s standards Cultural practices were followed eg a karakia/blessing was arranged for BD when he arrived at the home. The checking in processes was completed fully, including areas such as health and safety, and rules for behaviour etc were explained to BD. 7other notes reflect on the implementation process His study in school have a big improve under the help of teacher. Task 4 Student name: weizhi you(peter) Alternative care placement for BD Workplace: hoani waititi social services 1how you know you had completed your required tasks or involvement in the plan? DB is now in foster care family and the parents were enrolled in drug councilling. BD attend the school regular and make new friends. When the implementation of the alternative care placement is complete, it is time for the social worker to complete their involvement in the plan. Always first consider the safety and wellbeing of the person who is the subject of the alternative care placement. 2what possible future involvement might be required from the social service provider in this case? Think about factors that may lead to further contact being needed, what functions or services a social service provider might offer the person in the future, and how the person could go about re-establishing contact with social service provider The parents may need parenting program to help them learn how to take care of BD. If the parents could not stop drug and abuse on BD, in this situation, BD have to move to another home. The social workers will provide many suggestions and some useful organizations for them. If they need services in the future, they can ring the organizations again. 3notesor key points of information received or other obeservatons made Social worker’s tasks were clearly finished on the care plan, and the plan was updated to show they were completed. Transition from home to residential care completed. 4outline how the closure was in accordance with the service provider’s standards Review the items that were part of your role or responsibility in the plan. Check you have completed them all, and completed all related documentation etc. Consult with the other parties to the plan. Check that they consider you have completed your responsibilities, or whether there is something else they were expecting you to do. Handover meeting with host home family, BD and whÄ nau. 5outline how you made sure information was kept confidential Followed agency privacy policy. For example, consent from whÄ nau to share information with alternative education provider was received. 6provide two examples of how your actions were in accordance with relevant legislation. Name the legislation in the example. Privacy Act – I (agency) only kept information that was necessary for the purpose of facilitating BD’s placement in the host home. CYPF Act – both BD and whÄ nau were kept informed of decisions made, and wherever possible involved in the decision making process. 7other notes reflect on the closure process All parties updated and keep contacting with them. Provider policy followed, case file checked and updated, renew the information and regular check visit BD. Task5 How tiriti o Waitangi in social services? Give 3 examples how your actions on placement were guided by the tiriti. There are four principles in the Te Tiriti o Waitangi to ensure that maori’s rights were covered including partnership, protection, participation and permission. A partnership in good faith between two Maori and Crown, for that principle, when engaging with Maori or creating policy that could affect Maori, the Social Service organisations ensure needs of Maori are prioritised. In order to make ensure Maori have rangatiratanga rights over their taonga, always consultation with Maori leadership and management when organisational policies are being discussed. Te Tiriti o Waitangi applies in social services including ensure that all social services have a bi-cultural perspective. For example, we respect our maori client, maori way to deal with things, our maori workmates and client’s families, keep good relationship with them. Protection: for that principle, it allowed maori to exercise their Tino Rangatiratanga (absolute sovereignty) over all of their taonga(land), and benefit from these. Taonga in Maori language means land, resources, language, knowledge, and other aspects of the Maori way of life. Maori have the rights to enjoy their taonga in social service settings, and social service organisations must respect their way of life. It protect Maori’s rights to make choices that best serve their culture, that line with tika and kawa, suit their traditions and practices customary. For example, we working in the maori marae, we follow their traditional cultures and their process in the marae, we are not allowed to bring the food into marae and turn off the phone, no noisy when join the formal welcome. Participation: it ensure that maori take part in the social counseling and have the equal rights with crown. Consultation at all levels with Maori. It must be service accessibility for MÄ ori. Allowed Maori choose their models of health i.e (Te Whare Tapa Wha) rather than western models when working with MÄ ori. So when we working with maori, we should knowing their needs and their culture respect, provide their prefer ways to help them. Task6 How your actions throughout the process of contributing to the facilitation? At least 3 examples and include your inflections from your activities in this assessment all linked to theory for social service practice. respect my client, always ask their permission, I always collect the family agreement before the action and listen to my client, respect their choices and their maori way to do things. And I respect their culture, when enter Maura, I will follow their traditional approach and customs. Gain information that is relevant to the decision making process. Before an Alternative Placement happens, the families including SW, BD, BD’ parents and BD’ grandparents may meet several times to discuss and share relevant information, issues and needs of the client for their safety and wellbeing. We keep contact with family members involved. Keeping contact with the fostr family and BD, gain feedbacks and make plan to help BD get used in the new family. Contacting with BD’s parents and grandparents. Helping BD’s parents stop drug and find a job to earn some money. Weizhi you 13010121[à ©Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚ ®Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¥Ãƒ ¦-†¡Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ­-] 1

Friday, October 25, 2019

Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay -- Frankenstein Shelley Essays

Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" In order to illustrate the main theme of her novel â€Å"Frankenstein†, Mary Shelly draws strongly on the myth of Prometheus, as the subtitle The Modern Prometheus indicates. Maurice Hindle, in his critical study of the novel, suggests, â€Å"the primary theme of Frankenstein is what happens to human sympathies and relationships when men seek obsessively to satisfy their Promethean longings to â€Å"conquer the unknown† - supposedly in the service of their fellow-humans†. This assertion is discussed by first describing the Promethean connection. Thereafter, the two forms of the myth, Prometheus the fire-stealer and Prometheus the life-giver are reviewed in the context of Shelly’s use of the myth in her novel and their relationship to the main theme. Finally, the character of Frankenstein as a modern Prometheus of the scientific age is discussed in the context of English Romantic literature. This â€Å"Promethean longing† mentioned by Hundle, is the connection between Victor Frankenstein and Robert Walton. They both seek to gain knowledge of the unknown. Victor Frankenstein’s obsession with occult scientific knowledge results in the destruction of his family and friends, whilst Walton, the narrator of the story, causes many deaths by his obsessive journey to the North Pole. Shelly’s use of the Prometheus myth combines the two versions of the legend, Prometheus the â€Å"fire-stealer† and Prometheus the â€Å"life-giver†. According to the Ancient Greeks, in the first version of the myth, the Titan, Prometheus, in rebellion against Zeus, took fire from the sun and gave it to humankind to warm them and enable them to make tools and weapons, thereby allowing them to rise above other animals. Zeus was incensed by Prometheus’ disobedience, and as punishment, ordered Prometheus chained to a rock, where his liver was eaten by eagles each day and restored each night so that his torment could be prolonged for eternity. The second, Roman version of the myth, comes from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, which, according to Newey (1993), Mary Shelly read in 1815. In this version Prometheus was the Creator who made man from clay and breathed life into him. This relates directly to the quotation on the title page of Shelly’s book. â€Å"Did I request thee Maker, from my clay to mould me man. Did I solicit thee from darkness to promote me? Although a quotation from Milton’s... ...fe-giver. However, it could be argued that Frankenstein is better connected to Prometheus the fire-stealer. Frankenstein’s experiments with the two edged sword of forbidden knowledge had the possibility of bestowing great good upon humanity or perhaps the destruction of humankind. Shelley has utilised both versions of the myth to great effect in the development of the main theme. Her character, Frankenstein, effectively destroyed all he held dear as a consequence of his obsession with the pursuit of forbidden knowledge. Works Cited: Griffith, G. V. 1997 Frankenstein in the Context of the Romantic Era. Retrieved April 2004 from http://www.enotes.com Hindle, M. 1994, Mary Shelley Frankenstein Penguin Books, London Hunter, J. P. (ed.), 1996, Mary Shelley Frankenstein. The 1818 Text, Contexts, Nineteenth-Century Responses, Modern Criticism, W.W. Norton & Company, New York Newey, K. 1993, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Sydney University Press, Sydney Schmidt, A. 1999, The Myth of Prometheus, Retrieved April 2004 from http://www.enotes.com Oates, J.C. 1984 Frankenstein’s Fallen Angel, in Critical Inquiry, Vol 10 No.3. Retrieved April 2004 from http://www.enotes.com

Thursday, October 24, 2019

What Is Demarketing

What is de-marketing? De-marketing is a process to make a product less attractive (so that the demand of the product will reduce). The company will take measures to decrease the demand of customers on a product. A good example of de-marketing is cigarettes. Companies put phrases as ‘’smoking kills’’ on the boxes of their cigarettes, to make people aware of the hazards of smoking. They hope this measure will reduce the amount of smokers in the world. This is a great example for de-marketing. I found the following article on the internet: Hungary institutes hamburger-tax. Link of article: http://www. ibtimes. com/hungary-institutes-hamburger-tax-293105) The article is about the fact that Hungary institutes a tax on unhealthy food. They will raise the taxes on food that deems unhealthy, such as hamburgers, energy drinks, salted nuts, crisps and other ‘’junk food’’. I think this is an example of de-marketing, because they try to make unhealthy food less attractive (with raising the taxes on it), in the hope people will buy it less and consume more healthy food. Another example of de-marketing is on the following product: Magnum Ice creams. ’ Een beroemde â€Å"De-marketing† case: Magnum ijsjes! In het eerste jaar dat de magnum ijsjes op de markt kwamen kon men niet of nauwelijks aan de vraag voldoen. Men kon de prijs verhogen, maar men koos voor het minder aantrekkelijk maken van het product. Zo werden de mooi ontworpen verpakking vervangen door gewoon een simpele zilverkleurige folie. Het product zag er gewoon wat minder aantrekkelijk uit. Daarnaast werd er juist een grote marketing campagne gestart om de vraag naar Cornetto's te verhogen.Hiermee zou de vraag naar Magnums ook iets dalen. I will summarize this article: In the first years that Magnum (the ice cream brand) was active, the demand to their product was so high, that the company could not satisfy the demand of their customers. To reduce the demand for Magnum ice creams, they put the ice creams in simple gray wrapping paper to make the packing less attractive. Anothe r measure they took, was to introduce the ‘’Cornetto’’ (another product of the company). This would reduce the demand of magnums slightly.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Luscios Imagery Essay

Analysis by Usama Ehsan The poem â€Å"An Apple-Gathering† by Christina Rossetti because is powerful and moving. This poem is about the narrator, who, after plucking blossoms from the apple tree, is surprised to find no apples there. The first quartet shows the narrator, probably because they looked pretty, â€Å"plucked pink blossoms from my apple and wore them all evening in my hair. † She appeared disappointed and perplexed that there were â€Å"no apples there† in the â€Å"due season. † Like many of Rossetti’s poems, a theme of betrayed love or unfulfilment of love is seen in this poem. She watches all her female friends walk by with full baskets, with neighbours â€Å"mocking her† because of her empty basket. The full baskets are teasing her â€Å"like a jeer. † This is an example of pathetic fallacy. However, other friends are helped by â€Å"a stronger hand than hers†, like Gertrude. The narrator believes that the love of a man is more important to her than just about anything, including song and the rosiest apples. The lines â€Å"A voice talked with her thro’ the shadows cool, more sweet to me than song† and â€Å"I counted rosiest apples on the earth more sweet to me than song† demonstrate these ideas. At the poem’s conclusion, she loitered, and, symbolising her tears, â€Å"the dews fell†. Her tears fell, as the â€Å"latest† person said when they passed her, â€Å"the night grew chill† and she was alone. This poem has an ABAB rhyming scheme, Alliteration is also used in several lines of the poem. In â€Å"plucked pink blossoms from my apple tree,† the short and sharp ‘p’ sound gives the impression of actually plucking the blossom from the tree. â€Å"Sweet voiced they sang beneath the sunset sky† is an example of sibilance. The soft ‘s’ showing a soft, happy line – also, the people in that line (Lilian and Lilias) are together, which is the narrator’s view of happiness. Overall, â€Å"An Apple-Gathering† by Christina Rossetti is a poem dealing with a young woman’s past rejection in love – at the beginning of the poem, she picks the apple blossoms instead of leaving them on the tree to bloom. Therefore, instead of leaving them to become apples and for her former lover Willie to help her carry them, she is left to walk home empty-handed and embarrassed. Goblin Market Rossetti is making an incredibly strong statment here. She was a devout Anglican, and in this poem, she portrays Lizzie as a Christ figure, and Laura as Eve, whom it was thought to be the reason for sin in the world (though the bible blames it on Adam as well. ) She is taking a very radical stance with the homoerotic nature of this poem, and says that females have strong appetites but must learn to not give into temptation. The homoerotic bonds between the sisters are also a strong statement for Victorian times, as men are thought to have had to do everything for women. Rossetti demonstrates her stance against this â€Å"chivalry† by barely mentioning male roles in the poem. n Christina Rossetti’s long narrative poem, â€Å"Goblin Market,† two sisters are tempted by evil goblin merchants who haunt the woods and allure maidens with sumptuous fruits, the traditional symbol of temptation in the Bible. Christina Rossetti clearly intended the fruit of the goblin merchants to symbolize the forbidden fruit in the biblical story when Laura asks Lizzie if she has tasted â€Å"for my sake the fruit forbidden. Christina Rossetti’s use of meaningful religious symbolism contrasts with Dante Gabriel’s tendency to take up traditionally religious symbols but leave them vague and empty of meaning. â€Å"Goblin Market,† one of Christina’s most sexual poems, contains numerous analogies to sexual appetites, but it is unclear whether she was aware of these sexual innuendos. As her desire for sensuous fulfillment becomes more intense, Laura takes on the characteristics of a beast, recalling the fate of many lustful figures in Dante’s Inferno: (Laura) Then sat up in a passionate yearning, And gnashed her teeth for balked desire, and wept As if her heart would break. The character of Laura closely parallels the figure of the She-Wolf which represents excessive desire: â€Å"her nature is so squalid, so malicious / that she can never sate her greedy will; / When she has fed, she’s hungrier than ever† (Inferno, I, 97-99). When humans are dominated by their emotions and sensations, they are reduced to the animal level and lose their capacity for freedom. Such errant desire unchecked by reason or the will of God resulted in the fall of man (Paradiso, XXIV, 103). Whereas Laura succumbs to the Gobin’s seduction, her sister Lizzie remains firmly resistant. Fearing for her sister who has started to physically waste away, Lizzie heroically braves the temptations of the goblins and exposes herself to their abuse in order save her sister’s life: Though the goblins cuffed and caught her, Coaxed and fought her, Bullied and besought her, Scratched her, pinched her black as ink, Kicked and knocked her, Mauled and mocked her, Lizzie uttered not a word; Would not open lip from lip Lest they should cram a mouthful in. In this scene, the goblins violently taunt and torment Lizzie, but she never wavers in her resistance. Rossetti paints a picture of female resistance that is passive and silent unlike â€Å"Song† in which the woman actually â€Å"talks back. † Lizzie can be viewed as a self-sacrificing martyr figure who suffers in order to save her sister’s life. Although the poem ends on a feminist note, calling for female bonds and sisterhood, Lizzie cannot be simply characterized as a strong female heroine, because she passively endures the goblin brothers’ transgressions of her body. Visual imagery and depictions of women in Christina Rossetti’s â€Å"Goblin Market† Exploding with luscious imagery, Christina Rossetti’s â€Å"Goblin Market† basically contains both passages that convey narrative details — but nonetheless include visual information — and passages that vividly create the mood of a scene almost entirely by means of rich visual descriptions. The latter passages represent distinct pauses in the progression of the poem, allowing the reader to rest in a moment and absorb the details that the author describes. These portions provide appealing imagery presented in language that heightens its effect. Thus, as descriptions of objects tempt the mind’s eye, similarly alluring language draws the reader in, increasing the momentum of the poem even as the narrative action has halted. After succumbing to the goblin brothers’ fruit, Laura describes the pleasures of the forbidden delicacies to her sister Lizzie, who has resisted the temptation. â€Å"Have done with sorrow; I’ll bring you plums to-morrow Fresh on their mother twigs, Cherries worth getting; You cannot think what figs My teeth have met in, What melons, icy-cold Piled on a dish of gold Too huge for me to hold,

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

An Analysis of Macbeths Ambition

An Analysis of Macbeths Ambition In  William Shakespeares tragedy Macbeth, ambition is presented as a dangerous quality. Because it is unchecked by any concept of morality, It causes the downfall of both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth and triggers a series of deaths, making ambition the driving force of the play. Macbeth: Ambition Macbeth’s ambition is driven by a number of factors, including: Prophecy: The Macbeth witches prophesy that Macbeth will become King. Macbeth believes them and the various prophecies are realized throughout the play. However, it is unclear whether these prophecies are preordained or self fulfilling.Lady Macbeth: his wife is the driving force that encourages Macbeth to overcome his strong sense of guilt and take action on the prophecies. Macbeth’s ambition soon spirals out of control and forces him to murder again and again to cover up his previous wrongdoings. Macbeth’s first victims are the Chamberlains who are blamed and killed by Macbeth for the murder of King Duncan. Banquo’s murder soon follows once Macbeth fears that the truth could be exposed. Consequences Ambition has series consequences in the play: Macbeth is slain as a tyrant and Lady Macbeth commits suicide. Shakespeare does not give either character the opportunity to enjoy what they have achieved – perhaps suggesting that it is more satisfying to achieve your goals fairly than to achieve them through corruption. Ambition and Morality In testing Macduff’s loyalty, Malcolm outlines the difference between ambition and morality by pretending to be greedy and power hungry. He wants to see if Macduff believes these are good qualities for a King to posses. Macduff does not and therefore demonstrates that a moral code is more important in positions of power than blind ambition. At the end of the play, Malcolm is the victorious King and Macbeth’s burning ambition has been extinguished. But is this really the end to over-reaching ambition in the kingdom? The audience is left to wonder if Banquo’s heir will eventually become king as prophesied by the Macbeth witches. Will he act on his own ambition or will fate play a part in realizing the prophecy? Or were the witches’ predictions wrong?

Monday, October 21, 2019

buy custom Domestic Uses of Relational Technology essay

buy custom Domestic Uses of Relational Technology essay For the past decades, relational technology has been perceived to be the most sufficient domestic data management system in the world and the data management foundation for information processing in the business entity. In order to accomplish the superpower nature and meet the rapid technological advancement in the economy, the US government needs to encourage its citizens to appreciate and put into use the relational technology for domestic uses. One challenge facing the entire economy in the US is the development of effective system in which decision making, by the relevant authority, will be relied on, managing of data resulting from this decision made and the communication of the information derived to the relevant groups (Alagi%u0107, 2001). The complexity and scope of these processes have grown and the inadequacy in pressure sensitivity has become apparent. Individuals need to focus their attention to other income generating activities therefore the use of relational technology will ease the situation. The creation of relational technology database will imply that there is effective communication and data management in the sector. Relational technology enhances efficient and timely report writing in the organization. Earlier on, the information processing system was based on a huge data access and mainframe systems which were limited to the IT professionals in mst of its undertakings. Databases that were available were majorly homegrown, and in order to effectively retrieve data, comprehensive database knowledge was required. In the case where users needed special report, drafting will be done by only the IT specialist. The implementation of the relational technology will minimize these inconveniences in the organization and provide relevant information to the management which will be used in decision making (Alagi%u0107, 2001). The current change in the economy has fostered for competition in the markets in order to acquire large market share. An organization needs to be competitively advantageous in an attempt to realize its strategic goals. Relational technology has enhanced availability of information to interest groups in the economy so as to satisfactorily market their activities. This is seen by companies producing up-to-date records of its financial statements. Relational technology has introduced the report writers who are user friendly as they entirely rely on SQL in data documentation, that is, the query language which is introduced by the relational technology (Sumathi, 2007). The users of the system will be able to produce their ad hoc queries concerning the database and file the reports effectively and within the stipulated timeframe. Simplicity in the operations and presentation of the organizational data is guaranteed. Unlike in thee past, organizations were not able to effectively simplify their data for use by both the corporate entity and the non-conversant client concerning the applied techniques. Trends of the organizational operability and the graphical representation of the financial statements are attributed to SQL system in the relational technology. SQL system enhances consistent use of the language in which varied questions concerning the diverse nature of data can be easily asked. SQL functions by analyzing the data provided in a standardized and simpler format; table containing only columns and rows. The simplicity of data documentation, however, came with a severe price. The inherency of the complexity in the relationships between the real world data does not, naturally, fit into the designed columns and rows. Therefore, data produced is usually fragmented into many tables where they are joined in order to effectively complete simple operations. Therefore, basing on the above facts on the importance of relational technology in the changing US economy, most business organizations will articulate to relational technology in an attempt to be competitively advantage in the economy. As such, management should be technological savvy in its operations and this will be achieved by incorporating the desired relational technology in the organization in order to realize its strategic goal and objectives. Buy custom Domestic Uses of Relational Technology essay

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Why A High Read Ratio On Your Medium Blog Matters

Why A High Read Ratio On Your Medium Blog Matters Medium is a place where, according to their manifesto, you can write collaboratively and alongside many other quality writers. It  works simply, has a wonderful interface, is simple to use, looks pretty, and, despite all of that, I wrote a post a while back on why you should not blog at Medium. I have only  written 20 blog posts  on my Medium blog, neither a heavy user nor convinced that I should become one. But Medium grows in popularity, and one of the features that people tout is its unique approach to analytics.  Theyre much like the writing interface in that they are clear, understandable, and deceptively simple. They dont exactly track the stats youre used to seeing in a blog analytics package. What Does Your Medium Blog Measure? At the top of your dashboard in Medium, in 30-day segments, you can track three basic stats for all of your posts: views, reads, and recommendations. A chart gives you an overall view of how your content is performing. All of your stories are listed below this chart. Clicking on the post changes the bar graph to show that storys stats.  You can also see those same three stats, plus an extra one (read ratio), for each story that you write. Each story you write on medium has four stats for just that story. Sometimes the most viewed are the least read, which is more common than we realize on our own blogs. Views: This is the classic stat, and answers how many sets of eyeballs saw your story. It is, pure and simple, a measurement of who came in to take a peek. Reads: This stat is a bit different. In some ways, its similar to the idea of a bounce, but not exactly. A bounce is when someone visits your site, and then leaves without doing anything beyond that initial page that brought them in. Your bounce rate analytics dont really tell you if anyone read what you had on the page. It simply says they left after this one page. Medium measures whether or not someone actually read your article. So, your views and your reads will not always be the same number. Read Ratio: Medium uses an algorithm that calculates how many people actually read your post out of those that view it. Though it isnt clear on how this is measured, Medium has indicated that they want to use this in determining which posts get recommended or more visibility on their site. According to Ev Williams, founder at Medium, read ratio has an effect on how your post is ranked and found (emphasis added by me): It’s not a direct popularity ranking. It takes in a variety of factors, including whether or not a post seems to actually have been read (not just clicked on) and whether people click the â€Å"Recommend† button at the bottom of posts. The ratio of people who view it who read it and who read it and recommend it are important factors, not just the number. (This is an attempt to level of the playing field for those who don’t already have large followings and/or a penchant for writing click-bait headlines.) In other words, they want to promote posts that get read, and not just clicked on. A sexy headline might grab, but the content better hold em. Its an attempt to put an end to viral content that doesnt actually get read, and maybe an attempt to stop people from gaming the system. Sharing and recommendations are done at the bottom of a story in Medium. Recommendations: This stat shows how many people recommended (kind of like a share) the post on Medium. The number of people who recommend your post also plays into how it is ranked in Mediums system. The button to recommend a post is found at the bottom of the post (as are the social share buttons), where youd naturally click it if you had theoretically read the post.  This is in contrast to the popular idea that social sharing buttons should be at the top of your blog post or page. Again, Medium seems to be going against the current and wanting their system to be built on promoting the reading of posts, not mindless sharing. Why Does Reader Behavior Matter? Out of the four stats that Medium offers, the two that stand out as something different from traditional analytics is reads and read ratio. These two stats are putting a number on something that was previously difficult to measure: is anyone reading what Im writing? Proof That Your Content Is Valuable In some situations, the case can be made for not really worrying whether anyone is reading or not. There are times Im blogging more for myself and to achieve clarity of thought on particular ideas rather than whether or not someone is reading. Plus, as a writer, sometimes you need to be careful to not get too caught up in whether or not you are being 100% read.  These sentiments are fine for a personal or hobby blog. But what if you are a business investing time and money into content creation with a specific desired return?  It matters if anyone is reading. You need to know the investment isnt being wasted.  Your job might even require that you offer some proof that people are reading the content youre being paid to write. Clicks and shares are fine, but to be able to say that your content is read 90% of the time is quite a different matter. On @Medium, it matters if people actually read what you write. How about on your own blog?Leads To Better Writing The idea of measuring how much of your content is read should lead to better writing (if you care about people reading).  It used to be enough to measure clicks, hits, and shares (often based on click-bait headlines), but Medium has introduced an interesting new dynamic: it matters if people actually read what you are writing. When you have a number to work with, you have something you can measure and improve.  Typical blog stats dont exactly measure whether people read your posts or not, so that wasnt important for you. Instead, you likely focused on methods, such as headlines or social sharing, to get them to click and get hits because that was what you were able to measure. Medium has attempted to change this. The very nature of putting a number on readability makes it unsurprising that people are already asking about  how to get their read ratio up.  What gets your read ratio up? You cant control how much time people have to devote to reading, but you can control whether or not youre writing something worthwhile. On Medium, especially, shocking headlines and regurgitated content that others are writing wont fly. You might get the view, but you wont get the reads. What can you do to get people to read more of your story? Shocking headlines dont always work. Better Understanding Of Engagement How many times do you get comments to your blog post and you  know  the reader didnt fully read (if at all) the post? I know more than once Ive found myself absolutely confused by the comments people have left, and I wonder did they even read this post? Mediums measurement of reads, combined with a comment system that happens not at the bottom but as the post is read, helps you better understand the engagement you receive and perhaps weeds out the wacky comments of someone who has not read your post at all. Test Long And Short Content This is not exactly a stat associated directly with read ratio, but it is another aspect of how Medium is trying to tap into the actual reading behavior of people. In the story itself, Medium shows readers an estimate of how long a post will take to read. Medium shows you how long it will take to read a post. Blogger Matt Swanson talks about the benefits he gets as a reader in knowing how much time he will commit to what he is about to read, and what effects that information has on whether he even starts to read or not. Medium is, after all, catering to the readers experience and letting them know how much time they will have to invest to get the whole story is part of that. Lets use another example. On Hulu.com, Im told during the commercial break whether the commercial is 1 of 2, or maybe 1 of 4. What do I do when I see that? If its a set of four commercials, I have time to go to the kitchen and get something to drink, but if its only one or two commercials, I just stick around. While I have the option at any time to pause the show, you cant skip through commercials on Hulu and its easier to just let them play and skip them while leaving if I know theres enough time. All of that to say: I make decisions on what I will do with the content based on how much time it will take me to commit to it. So, when a reader sees that your post is only going to take about two minutes to read, or that it will take eight minutes to read, it will have some effect on the decisions readers make about your post. The effect will vary based on your readers, how you write, and if you are established as a thought leader.  Some of the very long articles written by established journalists or content sources get read despite estimated read times of more than 10 minutes. That might not work for you. Readers make decisions on what to do with content based on time they must commit to it.How this estimated read time impacts your views and read ratio would be a fascinating A/B test for each writer. Similar topics and titles, but as a longer version and shorter version. Look at your content in general and see if you find a correlation between read time and view/read ratio. There has been quite a bit of discussion lately about how Google search likes longer content, but with Medium–a site very much about the reader and promotion based on what is worth reading–high quality short content might be just as viable. Medium Wants Your Stories, Not Your Articles What does all of this talk about Medium have to do with you, a WordPress blogger using ? Its because these Medium stats indicate a possible trend on where content is going, and in some ways, its quite different from what youve been hearing you ought to do elsewhere. Traditionally, getting more readers is less popular than the idea of getting more traffic. Mediums approach flies in the face of that. Instead of a focus on traffic, Medium is focusing on readers. 1. Medium is basing discovery of your content on whether or not people have read it. Not hits, not sexy headlines.  Readability, not gimmicks or tricks, wins. 2. Do you notice how Medium, on its dashboard and elsewhere, does not refer to what you write as blog posts, or content? It calls them stories, and thats the key here. Medium wants your stories. Medium has visually stripped away anything that might get in the way of the story–no ads, and it uses a clear and simplified design.  Medium caters to readers, and readers like stories. Even readers who say I dont like fiction and stories actually want stories. Stories get read, and Medium is trying to find a way for you to track what gets read and reward that. All of the 25 Ways To Do This blog posts in the world cant hold a candle to the power of something told as a story. A great writer can turn nearly any piece of content into a story. In some ways, its an attempt to level the playing field and say that if you can tell a good story, if you can write well, youll be rewarded.  No tricks or gimmicks will get people to read to the end other than good writing. While your WordPress blog isnt in the walled garden of Medium, and you still have to use the old methods to get found by readers and search engines, it doesnt hurt to consider what Medium is trying to do and see if you cant incorporate a new goal in your writing: Write for readers. Getting read matters. Tell stories.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Making Table Wine at Home Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Making Table Wine at Home - Article Example Sometimes, you think that it is always easier to purchase wine than to make it. Think again. If your ancestors made them in their own homes centuries ago, there is no reason why you cannot make it when it is already the twenty-first century. You have the technology to make wine in your own homes without having to stomp on your grapes as ancient winemakers did. My grandmother has been making wines for our families for the past forty years. I recently learned how to do it, and I am happy to say that homemade wine can taste just as good as other high-quality branded wines. I will explain three steps in making wine: preparing all materials, fermenting and racking the wine, and bottling the wine. Let us start with the first step of making wine, which is preparing all materials and ingredients. The first step is to prepare all the materials and ingredients needed. You will need standard and intermediate winemaking pieces of equipment and raw materials. The standard winemaking pieces of equ ipment are carboy, iris jaw type floor corker, wine press, and thermometer (Great Homemade Wine). The intermediate materials are corks, empty glass bottles, oak, brush, clamp, tubing, and siphon (Great Homemade Wine). The raw materials or ingredients you need are grapes, wine yeast, and sugar, as well as sulfite tablets. (Wineintro.com). I recommend fresh grapes instead of grape juice because the former can provide high-quality wine (Cooke 4). I further suggest that you select Cabernet Sauvignon grapes if you have those in your area because it is the â€Å"king among wine grapes† (Warrick 14). Or, you can choose any type of grapes from the species of Vitis vinifera, because they tend to ripen with the right amounts of sugar, acids, and flavor compounds (Warrick 14). For water, spring water is suggested, because it has the right amount of minerals, but no chlorine (Peragine 40). For sugar, you can experiment with any kind of sugars, although you can use invert sugar. For yeast , choose the yeast specifically used for wines, called wine yeast, to produce a better tasting wine (Warrick 14). You also have to sanitize the area and types of equipment. You have to clean your work area and make sure that there is no clutter that will intervene with your winemaking. You also have to wash your equipment. You can use commercial winemaking cleansers that can be bought from many winemaking shops, or you can use bleach (Wineintro.com). You should be able to clean your carboys and other equipment as meticulously as possible (Wineintro.com). Part of the preparation is making sure that the grapes are crushed already. You can rent a crusher from small wineries or shops, or you can buy one. Before the primary fermentation can start, the grapes have to be crushed to produce the juice, pulp and skins, which are also called must (Great Homemade Wine). After preparing your ingredients and cleaning your materials, it is now time to ferment and rack the wine. Your second step is to ferment and rack the wine (Wineintro.com). There are two ways for fermentation that can be used (Great Homemade Wine).

Friday, October 18, 2019

San Diego International Airport Green Project Research Paper

San Diego International Airport Green Project - Research Paper Example Therefore, airports are important regional, national and international commerce. They create an avenue for the connection of a nation’s aviation system with other modes of transport. There is a need to carry out research to solve operating problems by adopting new technologies, and introduce innovation to the airport industry. When planning to implement a terminal improvement project, the terminal planning process should provide insights on potential issues and future trends that they affect the functionality of that terminal (Ashford, Mumayiz, & Wright, 2011). Significant changes in technology, airline operations and industry structure have occurred, creating the need for a balance of importance of certain planning factors for airport terminal buildings. These changes have occurred in cost effectiveness, passenger and baggage security, gate utilization to ensure low cost, and concessions (Brown, 2010). The airport and aviation industry is ever changing. This has led to the need for today’s airport buildings to be planned and constructed in ways that will safeguard flexibility for future modification at the list expense, while responding to variations in demand, the changing passenger needs, airlines and aircraft. Therefore, there has to be a flexible, balanced and visionary planning for airport terminals to ensure future flexibility (Brown, 2010). It should be noted that the creation of plans and designs of airports that provide superior services to travelers is difficult. Airport operational needs are extremely dynamic, creating more challenges in the planning and designing of sustainable airports (Brown, 2010). Additionally, in most cases, capital investment resources for expansion and construction of modern, efficient airports are limited. Therefore, development of airport facility designs which can provide the

Influence of poverty on the quality of education Case Study

Influence of poverty on the quality of education - Case Study Example Bourdieu relied on the French structuralist movements. According to the book, his most important contribution was about what is called "cultural capital". He defines this as "the general cultural background, knowledge, disposition and skills that are passed from one generation to the next" (13). In his theory the upper-class kids inherit substantially different cultural capital than working class kids. Schools reward the dominant classes and "systematically" devalue the lower classes. There are 4 main points in this theory: 4. the school legitimates the process 'by making social hierarchies and the reproduction of the hierarchies appear to be based upon the hierarchy of 'gifts', merits or skills established and ratified by its sanctions'by converting social hierarchies into academic hierarchies (14). These two looked at linguistic patterns and continued past the work of Bordieu. Bernstein says that class membership is generated by distinctive forms of speech patterns and it happens through family socialization (16). He says working class children use elaborate codes and talk to their parents more often (17). The codes are built on family roles and relationship within the family structure. Brice Heath looked at linguistic patterns and race. ... He says working class children use elaborate codes and talk to their parents more often (17). The codes are built on family roles and relationship within the family structure. Brice Heath looked at linguistic patterns and race. She said that white children had more interaction with their parents and were taught to do things like label and name objects as children; while black children had less interaction (this was in a specific population and school setting). White children are allowed to ask more questions of their parents and black children don't usually get questioned by their parents so there is no interaction of this type. The result is that black working class children aren't socialized to cope with the language patterns that most schools use and therefore fall behind academically. White working class children develop many cognitive and linguistic patterns required for school but they don't develop integrated skills that are necessary to continue to be successful throughout their school life. Paul Willis--The Lads and the Ear'oles Willis also looked at the linguistic patterns of children but he later saw that there was a direct correlation between the class background, geographical location, job market and level of education that the boys achieved and the jobs that they eventually chose. He said that these choices come from the dominant cultures challenges to these boys' culture. He noticed that the majority of students in the school he chose were "ear'oles or those who conformed to the rules and the norms of the schools. There was a counter school culture of lads who that rejected the school's need for academic success and thwarted

The Role of Iron in Attenuating Tooth Deterioration Coursework

The Role of Iron in Attenuating Tooth Deterioration - Coursework Example onally, it is a transmissible, multifactorial, and dietobacterial disease, and the presence of iron in the diet plays a role in the clinical and development features of the infection. Despite the fact that this disease is complex and as such a grave threat to toddlers, it is preventable. From their research, the authors were able to deduce that those with low serum iron content had a higher risk of having dental caries. According to the article, ECC is generally believed to be directly related to the establishment of S. mutans in the early stages of tooth deterioration. In this, iron has an inhibitory role, which prevents the growth of the microorganism, thus, preventing tooth deterioration. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the authors suggest that there is a need to assess the level of iron in children with ECC. Schroth, Robert, Levi, Jeremy, Kliewer, Eleonore, Friel, James  and   Moffatt, Michael. "Association between iron status, iron deficiency anemia and severe ealry childhood caries: a control study." BMC, (2013): 13:22. Similarly, from the research by Schroth et al. (13-22), one is able to deduce the role of iron in attenuating teeth deterioration. In their article, the authors noted that tooth decay generally affect the well-being of children. They noted this through their studies that included the assessment of differences in regard to the nutritional status between children with and those without Severe Early Childhood Caries (S-ECC). From their finding, which young children with S-ECC have a low ferritin status compared to those with no caries. Additionally, they reported that children with S-ECC are characterized with low haemoglobin level than those who are dental caries-free. The former had a high level of iron deficiency as compared to those children who are cavity free. In regard to the above, it is important to note that in most cases low hemaglobin is considered a sign of low iron levels in the blood leading to anemia. With the above

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Customs & Traditions in the Mexican Culture Essay - 1

Customs & Traditions in the Mexican Culture - Essay Example These include green tomatoes (known as to tomatillos), papaya, mango, avocado, and pear cactus otherwise known as napoles in Mexico (Long &Vargas, 2005). Mexicans include meat in their diet as much as possible. Unlike in other cultures, pork and chicken surpass beef consumption. Mexican foods do not avoid the spicy element. In fact, most people associate Mexican food with spices. It is common to find chilies of various types such as chipotle, Serrano, poblano and the jalapeno in Mexican dishes. They add a characteristic flavor (Hankin, 2014). There is also use of herbs to enhance flavors such as cumin, cinnamon, cloves, thyme and cilantro. Mexican coastal dishes include seafood prepared using spices and herbs. Lately, Mexican foods portray Spanish and Indian influence, but not enough to limit the consumption of indigenous foods such as beans, corn and peppers (Noble, 2012). Flour and corn tortillas are popular and are sold on the streets. Mexican desserts incorporate sweet and hot compounds for good and smooth flavor that have unique impressions in the mouth. Mexicans also prepare fresh juices from fruits besides consuming imported drinks. However, tequila is a popular Mexican native that is popular in the alcoholic drinks category all over the

The Benefits of Obamas Tax Bill. Why new tax legislation is good Essay

The Benefits of Obamas Tax Bill. Why new tax legislation is good Persuasive - Essay Example The bill mostly raises taxes on the wealthy to levels which are closer to what the rest of Americans pay, and does not cause lots of damage to benefit programs like Medicare and Social Security. Despite these positive aspects of the bill, it does have strong opponents. The opponents do not like the way it raises taxes on the wealthiest Americans, and also argue that it will hurt small business owners. I believe, however, that the bill is a good thing, and will help everyone in by avoiding massive spending cuts and tax increases which would definitely hurt the economy. One of the best parts about the American Taxpayer Relief Act is that it makes very limited cuts to benefits for those who need them the most. These include continuing some of the tax breaks that were going to expire, so that â€Å"families will continue to receive tax credits to help raise their kids and send them to college,† and companies â€Å"continue to receive tax credits† for things like research, i nvestment, and clean energy jobs (Compton). In addition to tax breaks, though, the bill does not make any cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, or social security, all of which help â€Å"seniors, students, the poor, and working families† (Compton).... ng over $400,000 a year should be easily able to pay a little more without having to worry about their well-being, their housing situation, and their medical bills. The fact that the bill does not raise taxes or remove cuts on middle-class or low-income groups where these things would be problematic is a good thing. The comments that opponents of the bill usually have focus mostly on the total amount of money that will be put onto American taxpayers. For example, they say that combined with the so-called â€Å"Obamacare† act taxpayers will have to pay almost $60 billion in new taxes starting this year (Patten). The biggest single increase is the one on payroll taxes. Critics argue that the removal of the â€Å"payroll tax holiday,† which was removed in order to increase payments to Social Security, â€Å"will actually hit lower- and middle-income taxpayers harder, in percentage terms, than the wealthy† (Patten). Another common argument is that small business owne rs, who are supposed to be good for the economy, will suffer under the bill. For example, they point out that â€Å"750,000 small businesses would be impacted if taxes were raised on individuals making more than $500,000† (Patten). Despite what opponents say, I believe that the new tax bill will mostly help the economy recover, while having a limited impact on the American people. It is dishonest to suggest that the bill will affect all taxpayers the same, as it is mostly the wealthy who have increases. Although the rich are upset about this, really since they make so much more money than most people it is fair to have them pay more in taxes than the average middle class American does. On the other hand, the tax bill makes tax cuts to lower-income Americans permanent, doesn’t cut benefits to the most needy, and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Customs & Traditions in the Mexican Culture Essay - 1

Customs & Traditions in the Mexican Culture - Essay Example These include green tomatoes (known as to tomatillos), papaya, mango, avocado, and pear cactus otherwise known as napoles in Mexico (Long &Vargas, 2005). Mexicans include meat in their diet as much as possible. Unlike in other cultures, pork and chicken surpass beef consumption. Mexican foods do not avoid the spicy element. In fact, most people associate Mexican food with spices. It is common to find chilies of various types such as chipotle, Serrano, poblano and the jalapeno in Mexican dishes. They add a characteristic flavor (Hankin, 2014). There is also use of herbs to enhance flavors such as cumin, cinnamon, cloves, thyme and cilantro. Mexican coastal dishes include seafood prepared using spices and herbs. Lately, Mexican foods portray Spanish and Indian influence, but not enough to limit the consumption of indigenous foods such as beans, corn and peppers (Noble, 2012). Flour and corn tortillas are popular and are sold on the streets. Mexican desserts incorporate sweet and hot compounds for good and smooth flavor that have unique impressions in the mouth. Mexicans also prepare fresh juices from fruits besides consuming imported drinks. However, tequila is a popular Mexican native that is popular in the alcoholic drinks category all over the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Development of Aging Tourists Market in China Dissertation

Development of Aging Tourists Market in China - Dissertation Example Studies conducted by The World Health Organization revealed that ageing population includes the people who are 60 years of more of age. Although this population is more prone to opt for tourism opportunities, however, tourism management authorities have not been encouraging this because of the various costs that are involved with this from which the major ones include cost of security, medical and time. Tourism management refers to the management of all the activities that are related to tourism and this also includes those activities that are related to tourism. Furthermore, they also have to implement strategies that promote tourism and provide easy access to people for the purpose of tourism. Tourism Consumption System The authors, Dubelaar and Woodsie (2002) have defined the tourism consumption system (TCS) as the set of related travel thoughts, decisions, and behaviors by a discretionary traveler prior to, during, and following a trip. The central proposition that the authors have given by this theory is that the thoughts, decisions, and behaviors with regards to an activity have a major impact on the thoughts, decisions, and behaviors for the other activities. Further in the article, the authors have used exit interview travel data and quick clustering analysis for the purpose of examining the seven main propositions of tourism consumption system on the basis of which the tourists take decisions. It has also been said by the authors that this approach is very beneficial for the marketers and practitioners with regards to tourism and this would greatly help them in increasing the effectiveness of the tourism marketing strategies. Tourism Behavior The set of responses that the people develop with regards to tourism develop tourism behavior and this determines their likeliness and their interest. There are some elders who opt for places which are more lively and colorful while there are some people in the ageing population who prefer going to places which are calm and serene. Sustainable Tourism According to Dubelaar and Woodsie (2002), tourism involves a certain cost which can be monetary as well as time and energy of the tourists. Since the ageing popula

Monday, October 14, 2019

Shangri La Hotel Competition and Business Analysis

Shangri La Hotel Competition and Business Analysis Introduction Shangri-La Hotel is a world class deluxe Asian hotel chain which provides services and places for business and leisure travelers according to its Asian standards of hospitality. Shangri-La Hotel provides customers with a number of excellent services. More specifically, guests may enjoy high quality room services and resort, facilities such as sauna, Jacuzzi gym, lounge and pub. Moreover, the hotel chain also provides different and unique products like, The Spa at several hotels and resorts. Through its high quality services, Shangri-La receives international awards and recognition from prestigious publications and industry partners. Historical data Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts was founded in 1971 by the Malaysian-Chinese tycoon Robert Kuok and managed by Westin until January 1983. The headquarters are located in central Hong-Kong. Its name was inspired by James Hiltons legendary novel Lost Horizon. In 1982 the company incorporates Shangri-La Hotel and Resorts. Business Description Shangri-La Hotel is highly recognized for its service excellence. The hotel chain highly supports its mission statement, according to which customers should be delighted each and every timeÂÂ » More specifically, the company focuses on offering customers an unforgettable experience by blending cultures, exotic art and lively ambience. . Shangri-La Hospitality has developed five core principles: respect, humility, courtesy, helpfulness and sincerity. These core principles have positively affected the successful running of the business and thus they have as a result the creation of pleasant customers and employee relations. The service principles that Shangri-La has developed is consistent to every country they operate. In other words, customers receive the same level of services and treatment in every hotel no matter the country of location. This is very important as the customers identify Shangri-La hotels as high quality and trustworthy. The company operates 62 deluxe hotels and resorts under the Shangri-La and Traders Hotel brands in Asia and Middle East. Moreover, the company is willing to expand in Europe and North America. Apart from Shangri-Las ownership and operation of hotels, the company also leases commercial office buildings, retail space, apartments, real estate development and operation and golf club ownership and operation. Competition Competition in general is one of the factors that affect companys existence and growth. Even though Shangri-La is one of the top luxurious hotels in Asia, there is still fear from other top companies operating in the diversified hotel management industry. The profitability of every company depends on efficient operation because many costs are fixed and on effective marketing. The top three competitors of Shangri-la hotel are: The Hong Kong and Shanghai Hotels Ltd which also operates in Asia, Australia and North America with 24 deluxe hotels, commercial and residential properties. New World Development is the second competitor of Shangri-La; the company develops and invests in properties in Hong Kong, mainland China, and Southeast Asia. Its property and infrastructure developments include apartments, office buildings, hotels, department stores, roads, and water and power plants. The third competitor is Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group which is incorporated in Bermuda and owns, manages and operates 40 upscale hotels in two dozen countries. The 2008 Olympic Games Event has affected Shangri-La Hotel since premium hotels such as Regent, Ritz-Carlton, Hyatt and Sheraton expanded in various cities in China, particularly in Beijing and Shanghai. Since Shangri-La is an Asian Company, it is highly recognized in Asia, the hotel chain had a competitive advantage as far as brand awareness is concerned. However, as many prestigious and luxurious hotel chains started expanding in the Asian continent Shangri-La faced more intense competition than before. The primary competitor of Shangri-La could be identified as the Marriott chain, which operates the Ritz-Carlton, Renaissance and Courtyard brands (26 hotels in China and expanding its portfolio to 100 by late 2010.) Driving forces in the company In order for the company to continue to compete within in the industry, Shangri-La decided on expanding its hotel chain. It went through a rapid expansion in the early 1980s and built 29 hotels over the next decade, and by the end of 1999, it was announced that they were operating 35 hotels within the Asian continent. Shangri-Las management group decided on expanding even more aggressively and therefore took advantage of their current success and raised fund during this period of time for further expansion. As a result during the early 00 Shangri-La began entering new markets through both management contracts and owner/operator development. In 2003 Shangri-La Dubai and Sydney were opened. The innovation of core brands of Shangri-La Asia Ltd, including the four-star Traders which was established in 1989, provides luxurious experience and sophistication to the business traveler, Rasa Resort and Spa which was launched in 2006 as a new brand spa provides treatment and relaxation based on Chinese principles, Far Eastern Plaza Hotel and Shang Palace are the force driving the changes in the industry. These hotel chains provide differentiated and unique products to a niche market. Key Success Factors: The key success factors of Shangri -La Hotel are the following: 1. Unique characteristics of Asian hospitality and high luxury quality of service and products offered to its customers 2. Differentiated products (spa and treatment in hotels and resorts) 3. The use of culture training program in everyday performance More specifically, Shangri-La Care Modules that line out what a service personnel should do and how to serve their customers in the best possible way Care 1: Shangri-La Hospitality from Caring People Making the guests feel special and important during their stay in the hotel and focusing on the core values of Shangri-Las hospitality. Care 2: Delighting Customer Delighting guests consistently not just the first time they visit but every single time in order to achieve srotng customer loyalty. Care 3: Recover to Gain Loyalty The importance of recovery when mistakes happen. A well done recovery may be an opportunity to gain further commitment and loyalty, and the other way round if recovery is poor. The five steps to recovery as developed by Shangri-La hotels: Listen, Apologies, Delight, Fix the Problem and Follow up. 4. Take Ownership. Effective promotion and special offer to attract the customers attention about the Shangri-La hotel. Promotion and special offer build long term relationship between Shangri-La hotel and their loyal customer. The promotion and special offer by the Shangri-La hotel include special festival, weekend special, value rate and value vacation. 5. Effective process management perspective. This refers to the system used to assist the organization in delivering the service. Shangri-La demonstrates processes involved in delivering the services provided into six encounters including among others check-in, room encounter, restaurant and breakfast, vacation trip, spa and check out. Check in Encounter: Shangri-La ensures that guests will be served directly at the receptionist counter or online. Room Encounter: it provides extra room accommodation for guests. For example, they provide extra bed for children under 12 to stay with their parents in the same room. Restaurant and Breakfast: Shangri-La provides Childrens Meal Plan; this accommodates hotel guests under 12 can enjoy complimentary meals in Coffee Shops and Pool Cafes. Vacation Trip: Specially trained staff is assigned in handling booklets with valuable information concerning rooms, airfare and car rental at popular Shangri-La destinations, in order to make guests planning vacation easier. The Spa: provides unique service for treatment activities such as massage, aroma therapy and bathe. Check-Out: same as check-in but may be crucial to determine the final outcome of satisfaction. 6. The use of effective advertising through television and online commercial 7. Compensation and Career Growth: this is a driving force for the employees to perform high standard performances within the company and making its employees valuable. If employees are motivated they are willing to provide and satisfy customers in any circumstances, therefore gain customer loyalty. Resource strengths and competitive capabilities of the company: Valuable organizational assets Organizational design is an important aspect in every company. Without an organized Chain of Command severe issues could occur in the company. Shangri-Las organizational design consists of five major levels in order to group its employees. More specifically: Level 1: Divisional Manager Level 2: Departmental Manager Level 3: Sectional Manager Level 4: Front Front-Line Supervisors Level 5: Front-Line Employees Note: Decision comes from the upper level of the structure Valuable intangible assets The employees are one of the most important intangible assets of Shangri-La. Therefore, Shangri Las corporate management heavily invests in employee development (to gain know-how asset) Another intangible assets of Shangri-La is its brand name, a synonymous for providing services with the unique characteristics of Asian Hospitality Unique products such as spa and treatments could also be considered as their intangible assets Valuable physical asset One of the most important and crucial physical assets of Shangri-La hotels are its architectural design externally and internally. Every single hotel of the chain has different characteristics and features that differentiate it from other Shangri-La hotels in the world. The design of every hotel matches the culture and environment where it operates. For instance, a typical Shangri-La hotel set in lushly landscaped tropical gardens with huge swimming pools that creates an oasis from the city thriving business and social center. Moreover, Shangri-La hotels and resorts provide hotel facilities like Airport Transfer, Parking, Foreign Exchange, Non-Smoking rooms, baby-Sitting or Child Care, Facilities for Disabled, Dining and Entertainment, Restaurant, Bar/Lounge, Sports Leisure, Spa, Sauna, Steam Room and Fitness Center. They have invested in these assets so as to provide customers with great experience during their stay in the hotel. Competitive Capabilities One of the strongest competitive advantages of Shangri-La hotel is the service quality that is provided to its customer. Shangri-La is an award winning hotel as it is highly praised for offering world class service and gracious hospitality that has earned a reputation of excellence throughout Asia. Identifying strongest and weakest points of competitive forces Competitive pressures created by the rivalry among competing sellers Competing with other world class luxurious hotels in the world is a strong competitive force that affects Shangri-la hotels. These other hotels have strong competitive strategies to maintain their position in the market. These hotels also provide the same high quality of service to the same target group. Competitive pressure of new entrants New entrants have always been considered as a threat by the existing ones. This is a strong force for the company since they target the same customers in the market. Competitive pressure from the sellers of substitute products High quality Motels and other local hotels are considered to be substitute for Shangri-La. This is a weak competitive force in the company since Shangri-La customers seek for high and unique quality of service Competitive Pressures Stemming from supplier bargaining power and supplier-seller collaboration Supplier bargaining power is a strong competitive force to Shangri-La hotel. Shangri-La has numbers of different suppliers; for example, food suppliers, material suppliers and information suppliers. If these suppliers increase price of goods and services to its customers then Shangri-la would also increase its operating costs .As a result, Shangri-La would increase prices, in order to cover its operating costs. Competitive Pressures stemming from buyer bargaining power and seller-buyer collaboration. Buyers bargaining power is a weak competitive force for Shangri-La Hotel since Shangri-La has a fixed price charge; and this cannot be negotiated. Business Strategy Strategy for Expansion to the East and West The companys main strategic plan is to incorporate the goal of expanding the Shangri-La brand globally with a strong foundation and reputation for its excellence in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America. According to industry analysts, China was one of the most attractive destinations for tourists in 2008 since The Olympic Games were held there. For this particular reason new hotel developments started to pour in the region. Shangri-Las strategy to expand in the East is an asset since their core principles of cultural values matches most of the countries in the Asian market but is still a challenge since most of the luxurious top hotels in the world have the same approach. In general Shangri-La has slow expansion growth in other part of continents like Europe and North America. Nevertheless, it was announced that the company decided to expand its hotel chains in different parts of the world particularly in Europe, North America and Australia as to be able to compete with their major competitors in the market. Even though the company constantly enters new markets, they still maintain and provide its worldwide service quality standards to its customers and ensure that Shangri-Las quality and service standards are translated to new hotels in new markets in order to deliver consistent experience of Shangri-La Hospitality. When Shangri-La enters new markets in new countries, the company brings new cultural understanding and expectations to these markets. This is a challenge for the company since bringing the essence of the brand to new cultures is tough. Another strategy of the company is to enhance Corporate Social Responsibility activities in five key areas: Environment, Health and Safety, Employees, Supply Chain Management and Stakeholder Relations. In the Environment section its main focus is in climate change, water use management, waste disposal management, ozone depletion and indoor air quality. Shangri-La has recognized that resource conservation, biodiversity and pollution prevention are ways to maintain a sustainable environment. By providing safe and healthy environment, Shangri-La protects its customers, employees, suppliers and the public. This includes training employees for emergency situation like fire, earthquake and any other natural disaster. Also, the company promotes wellness program to improve the health and well-being of the employees. As mentioned before, Shangri-La management recognizes that staff is one of their most important assets and so they are committed to providing fair employment opportunities, dignity and staff development. Shangri-La will provide an environment where employees may achieve their personal and career goals and fair labor practices as to avoid any activity that results in human right abuse. For the company to be able to mange its direct and indirect impacts in the environment, Shangri-La has to work effectively with its supply chain partners. The suppliers need to meet the local legal requirements relating to the environment, human rights and other regulatory work practices. Also, suppliers are expected to be part of the system to ensure that the food served is safe and of high quality. According to CSR all stakeholders include customers, employees, members of the communities in which they operate, shareholders and suppliers will engage in a clear, honest and respectful way to the company. SWOT Analysis: Strengths Brand recognition Unique services and products quality (Shangri-La Hospitality) Expansion network in Asian Continent Luxurious facilities like the Shangri-La Spa and Trader Expansion globally Strong suppliers relationship Innovation of unique products Weaknesses: Not having enough number of hotel chains in Europe and N. America to compete with other luxurious five star hotels operating there. Shangri-La is dependant on other hotel owners companies since it doesnt own all of its hotel chains One of the problems that Shangri-Las hotels in China faces is the fact that front-lines employees are uncomfortable in making decisions. Chinese employees are dependent on operational guidelines Opportunities: Its market positioning in China; since China has become the worlds fourth largest economy and one of the most attractive destination as far as tourism is concerned Training program facilities to prepare first-line employees to more effectively utilize decision-making authority The Olympic Games Events in China increased Shangri-Las sales Expand to other geographic destinations Acquisition of local hotels Threats: Intense competition Local Hotels are considering forming alliances with international brands to manage and operate the business. Pressure on wages (expanding into high-wage economies) Since Shangri-La is an Asian company and has been operating in Asian territory, its management group is used to having lower labor costs compare to Europe and N. America Global recession Since Shangri-La is expanding with its principles values, its a great challenge for the company to expand beyond its Asian territory where cultures are different. Is the company able to adapt in a different environment..? Target Market Shangri-La Hotel operates in the five class hotels industry associated with luxury and well-being for customers. Hence, the target market mostly comes from the upper class. We focus on this section to the two Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts that produce greater profitability to the company. The Golden Sands Resort that is located in Batu Feringgi Beach that is mostly visited by tourists who come from European and Western countries. It is believed that these travelers have high consuming ability compared to local travelers. Therefore, Shangri-La management targeted the tourists that are of higher financial and consuming ability. The target market for Trader Hotel mostly consists of business travelers and those that come from the upper class groups of society. Business travelers can afford to purchase services from high quality hotels as their expenses are accommodated by their companies. Strategic Positioning All of the hotels and resorts of Shangri-La are located at strategic locations that are frequented by a high number of people, either for business purpose, travelling or other reasons. The location selected usually consists of places that are well known for their tourism industry and that are highly visited each year. Business Model For the fiscal year ended in December 31, 2006 the management reported that Shangri-La net income was 202.2 million dollars from its services and products. The companys sales continued to improve in 2006 with 1,002.9 million dollars sale compared with 842 million dollar in 2005. The company owns 50 hotels in Asia and the Middle East and more or less of 40 projects under development in Europe and North America. The company employs approximately 18,400 employees worldwide. Shangri-Las case is unusual among international hotel companies since it owns a significant proportion of its hotels, As shown in the table below, Shangri-La performance in the industry seem to improve every year and ascend to better market positioning. Shangri-La Income Statement Our personal Recommendations for Shangri-La Hotel Improve and give more emphasis to its employees training program; especially for the front-line employees to build their confidence and efficiency at the workplace in order to improve its hand to hand interaction with the customers. Having achieved brand market leadership in Asia, Shangri-La should now try to increase the number of hotel chains in Europe, North America and the Middle East. Since Shangri-La emphasizes its cultural values in every hotel chains, Shangri-La should take a closer look of its environment in general, to see if the products and services that they provide match the needs of the customer in general. For example, if Shangri -La operates in foreign destinations like the Middle East, they should adapt to its culture and combine it into their own to avoid conflicts between two different cultures. In general, all of the hotels and resorts of Shangri-La are located at strategic locations that are visited by a high number of people each year, either for business purpose, travelling or other reasons. The location selected is usually places that are well known for its tourism industry that are highly visited each year.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Ode to a Nightingale, Ode on a Grecian Urn, and Ode to Autumn Essay

Ode to a Nightingale, Ode on a Grecian Urn, and Ode to Autumn The casual reader of John Keats' poetry would most certainly be impressed by the exquisite and abundant detail of it's verse, the perpetual freshness of it's phrase and the extraordinarily rich sensory images scattered throughout it's lines. But, without a deeper, more intense reading of his poems as mere parts of a larger whole, the reader may miss specific themes and ideals which are not as readily apparent as are the obvious stylistic hallmarks. Through Keats' eyes, the world is a place full of idealistic beauty, both artistic and natural, who's inherent immortality, is to him a constant reminder of that man is irrevocably subject to decay and death. This theme is one which dominates a large portion of his late poetry and is most readily apparent in three of his most famous Odes: To a Nightingale, To Autumn and on a Grecian Urn. In the Ode to a Nightingale, it is the ideal beauty of the Nightingale's song - as permanent as nature itself - in the Ode on a Grecian Urn, it is the perfection of beauty as art transfixed and transfigured forever in the Grecian Urn - and in the Ode to Autumn it is the exquisiteness of the season idealised and immortalised as part of the natural cycle - which symbolise eternal and idealistic images of profound beauty. In Ode to a Nightingale, Keats uses the central symbol of a bird to exemplify the perfect beauty in nature. The nightingale sings to the poet's senses whose ardour for it's song makes the bird eternal and thus reminds him of how his own mortality separates him from this beauty. The poem begins: "My heart aches, and a drowsey numbness pains" (Norton 1845). In this first line Keats introduces his o... ...fused by the true essence of his subjects; for a bird must die and an urn must crumble and are but symbols of things imagined. Keats however, does discover his elusive eternal beauty in his Ode to Autumn, realising that it is mother nature, with her ever recurring seasons and perfection of purpose that is profoundly beautiful. Growing, maturing and dying are no longer avoided in Ode to autumn, they are embraced and accepted as necessary for the continuity of the seasons cycle. Keats, through his poetry, is constantly reminding us that the moment, whether short of duration or eternally present, is to be savoured; for all things that exist in man's world are subject to decay and death because our ability to perceive them is limited. The world is no longer simply a place of song birds, pleasing art and fruit laden trees, but a world of profound and everlasting beauty.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay example --

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a degenerative brain disease that involves dysfunctions and loss of nerve cells in central nervous system, was discovered by a German physician, Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1907. As it is accounted for 50 to 75% of all cases of dementia, it is the most common form of dementia (Blennow et al., 2006) and it is known as a progressive neuropsychiatric disorder which involves memory loss, mood swing and loss of intellectual and social skills (Lee et al., 2010) and sufferer will progress through seven-stages of Alzheimer but with different rate (Reisberg et al., 2003). Prevalence of dementia increases exponentially with age from 60 to 85 years old or older, which is Senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, loss of synapses and degeneration of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons are the neuropathological hallmarks of this disease (Shen et al., 2005). It is a neurodegenerative disorder with unknown cause (Blennow et al., 2006). There are some hypotheses of pathogenesis of Alzheimer’... ... are able to interfere some metabolic pathways of choline metabolism. Hence, they have broad range on neurologic effects. From the experiment, monosubstituted 2-aminoethanols give the least inhibitory activity. There will be an increase in inhibitory activity when the degree of substitution and molecular size of the nitrogenous head of the molecule increase, due to the increase in the chance for van der Waals’ interaction with the protein surface, results in increased enzyme inhibition (Hartung, 1968). This complied with the principle of inhibitors with tertiary amino compounds act on PAS site. Enzyme inhibition occurs by steric blockade (Rosenberry et al., 1999) or allosteric activation (Auletta et al., 2010) will give low number of empty enzymes for further hydrolysis. Therefore, dialkylaminoflavonols shold be futher investigated in the discovery of better drugs.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Gender Gap In Math Achievement Education Essay

Is There a Gender Gap in Math Achievement and How Can We Explain It?For many old ages the position has been that there exists great difference between the academic public presentation of between work forces and adult females, and particularly within the countries of scientific discipline and mathematics. This gender disparity in instruction within the US has been studied extensively by legion bookmans who have tried to detect if so there are unconditioned capablenesss in both sexes that make them hold differences in public presentation in scientific discipline and mathematics. The claims reported by Spelke ( 2005 ) are that few adult females show the endowments required in the Fieldss of scientific discipline and mathematics, hence there are fewer adult females within these Fieldss. The other position is that the sex differences in these Fieldss are due to the familial base which makes adult females have a smaller intrinsic attitude towards scientific discipline and mathematics. One such survey was carried out by Lawrence Summers when he was at the Harvard University. In his survey he tried to detect if there were any unconditioned capablenesss in both sexes that determined how they performed in both their faculty member and professional Fieldss in scientific discipline and technology. Apart from this research there are a many more researches that have been carried out to mensurate by how much or if there is any biological differences between the sexes that make them execute different in mathematics and scientific discipline. This paper shall discourse the being of the gender differences that drives the differences in public presentation in scientific discipline and mathematics of work forces and adult females. It is critical to understand the grounds why the difference in gender has been attributed to the cause in the differences in public presentation in scientific discipline and mathematics. This paper shall look into these differences that cut across all age groups, from the school traveling to the college pupils. It has been proposed that the differences that are seen in both adult females and work forces in public presentation in scientific discipline and mathematics have been associated with the differences in gender. Despite the progresss in the modern western universe there still exist strong societal cultural influences on perceptual experiences of gender and gender functions. Work force and adult females have been made to specify themselves on the footing of the distinguishable psychological and behavioural sensitivities that are associated with the biological maps. Therefore this sensitivity will drive work forces and adult females to act different, execute different undertaking s and do different picks. It is the definition of the individual in footings of maleness and women's rightist that drives them to act ad think as they do. With such thought in head, it becomes progressively hard to hold uniformity in public presentation in work forces and adult females at work and in faculty members. Marini, ( 2010 ) showed that so the greatest influence of this difference is the societal and cultural fluctuations that contribute to the sex differences. In her research biological differences do to some extent affect the behaviour and functions of the sexes, but it is the societal facets that have the greatest part to these differences. The societal structural agreement has made adult females and work forces base their thought and cognitive abilities on biological differences ( Baker & A ; Jones, 2006 ) . This so means that we are normally under the influence of our societal and cultural assignments that define who we are and what we can or can non make. The American society has defined and stratified the functions of the gender. It is this assignment of functions by the society that influences the grade to which the sexes addition and command the resources they have. Often our society has been specifying functions and responsibilities of the sexes based on gender class, for this ground gender differences exist within this society. The society has a strong influence on how work forces and adult females perform in scientific discipline and mathematics because it defines what function, responsibility or assignment is to be fulfilled by each ( Marini, 2010 ) . The adult male in society is superior to the adult females and is assigned tougher functions and responsibilities ; he is seen as the supplier, defender, more bright and has higher rational facets than the adult females ( West & A ; Zimmerman, 2007 ) . It is this societal facet that has given the adult male a male advantage and accordingly expected him to execute better at scientific discipline and mathematics. For this ground the instructors will handle male childs and misss otherwise in scientific discipline and mathematics categories. The ground being such countries of academic survey have been held as hard and ambitious, and merely the work forces can accomplish such feasts ( Baker & A ; Jones, 2006 ) . The instructor will so do the male child feel they need to execute good in these countries and will give their attending and resources to them. On the other manus the instructor will give the miss the perceptual experience that it is non incorrect for them to neglect in the topics, because the instructor does no anticipate them to execute good in these topics. Such positions are still woven elaborately in society where the society and the household influence the type of calling and profession work forces and adult females would take. In Marini ( 2010 ) , adult females are frequently encouraged to take up academic classs and topics that would take them in fostering callings of nursing, instruction and secretarial. Such callings and professions were seen as befitting adult females and give adult females a opportunity to take attention of her household. Mean while the Fieldss of scientific discipline and engineering are left to the work forces, this is because they are perceived to hold the rational capableness to manage the complex mathematics and advanced thoughts behind the Fieldss. It is being noted that there is increased diminution in the differences in scientific discipline and mathematics callings and professions between the genders as we find more adult females within these Fieldss. Recent research workers have shown that while the construction within the these Fieldss have changed with more adult females being found at the helm of such countries, there is still gender stratification in the high school degree, this can be found within surveies like ( Leahey & A ; Guo, 2001 ; Entwisle, Karl & A ; Olson, 2004 ; Spelke, 2005 ; Gallagher & A ; Kaufman, 2005 ; Baker & A ; Jones, 2006 ) . This difference in gender public presentation has been attributed to the perceptual experience that male childs and misss receive different attendings from their instructors in mathematics categories. This has created the gender spread within the academic Fieldss in America that have driven the differences in public presentation in scientific discipline and mathematics. The survey by Leahey and Guo ( 2001 ) tried to demo the extent of the gender differences in mathematics and particularly the different countries like geometry and logical thinking. It has been found that there is a male advantage for those pupils traveling to college within the field of mathematics. In their research they showed that males have a higher public presentation in mathematics in the high school degree and particularly in the college entryway test. The ground why this has been tested is because the high school mathematics has been the key to the pick in faculty members in the college degree and accordingly affects subsequently pick in profession. The ground why the American society has seen important differences in occupational segregation and gender socialisation in the populace sector is due to the gender differences in mathematics public presentation. In Leahey and Guo ( 2001 ) we find that this occupational segregation begins in high school mathematics where the scholastic aptitude trial ( SAT ) mathematics is performed better by male than the female. This is the same for the American College Test ( ACT ) mathematics subdivision that is performed better by the male. The same position is held by Entwisle, Karl and Olson ( 2004 ) , who have argued that the being of this disparity has been the cause of the differences within the callings and professional Fieldss. In their analysis it is the differences in the experiences of the male and female that is a beginning of the difference in public presentation in mathematics. The thought is that due to the school environment, male childs and misss will execute otherwise in these topics. They tried to demo this difference existed based on a comparing on simple as compared to the high school experience. In their survey they discovered that the experiences the male childs and misss had while in school affected their public presentation in mathematics. This experience was driven by the school environment where the instructors, disposal, parents and other pupils determine the public presentation in scientific discipline and mathematics. The pupils have been seen to be under the influence of their parents on the pick of topics, calling and accordingly public presentation. A parent who teaches their kids that they failed in scientific discipline and mathematics and hence does non anticipate the kids to make any better is a factor. Teachers who besides have biased positions towards misss and scientific discipline and mathematics besides drive down the public presentation of such misss. In the school state of affairs equal force per unit area is besides a major driver of public presentation in scientific discipline and mathematics. Entwisle, Karl and Olson ( 2004 ) merely showed that there were experiences from the school and vicinity resources that affected the development of mathematical accomplishments in the pupils. In their survey they revealed that there were contextual facets in the environment that affected the mathematical accomplishments in the male childs more than those in the misss. Male childs are able to react more to the resources in the vicinity than misss can, I the procedure they develop different accomplishments than the misss. Such accomplishments obtained from their milieus have been associated with the mathematical competence of male childs. The ground being that boys spend more of their clip in the vicinity than misss ; hence they are able to pull experience from their milieus than misss. This is because the society limits the geographic expedition capablenesss in misss while it encourages male childs to research more. This is the same position that is held by West & A ; Zimmerman, ( 2007 ) that shows that the Sociocultural facets influences male childs to research their environment more so the misss. Male childs are given the freedom to research and play around the vicinity, while misss were encouraged to remain at place. It is this geographic expedition that helps boys to develop better spatial and numerical abilities that see them execute better in mathematics. The experience within the vicinity and their milieus assist them farther develop their spacial accomplishments more than misss. Spatial accomplishments can merely develop if one is able to pattern them frequently, where the best country to make so is in the field. This difference in accomplishments is besides explained by Leahey and Guo ( 2001 ) , who showed that both misss and male childs have different mathematical accomplishments. Males have an advantage over misss in certain mathematical countries like their ability to quantitatively ground and do usage of spacial visual image abilities ( Gallagher & A ; Kaufman, 2005 ) . This same spacial accomplishments and concluding capablenesss are obtained by the male childs from their environment in which they are allowed to play in. since the misss do non hold the same equal playing field their logical thinking and spacial accomplishments are non good developed like those of the male childs. The same explains why males have better mathematical logical thinking and geometry accomplishments than misss. Leahey and Guo ( 2001 ) besides supported Entwisle, Karl and Olsonaa‚Â ¬a„?s ( 2004 ) theory with the determination that it is at the simple degree that these accomplishments are developed . The conducive factor is the socialisation procedure that the misss and male childs go through as they develop and learn at the simple age. Apart from socialisation the differences in mathematics public presentation has besides been associated with the cognitive differences in males and females. It has been argued that it is these cognitive differences that have enabled work forces to execute better at mathematics than adult females. Spelke ( 2005 ) associated this knowledge to the ability for work forces from the beginning to concentrate on objects that make them able to larn mechanical systems. As was seen by other surveies, Spelke ( 2005 ) besides supports that the spacial, concluding and numerical differences in work forces give them the ability to manage mathematical jobs. This is the 2nd factor that affects the cognitive differences between work forces and adult females. Another decisive factor is the variableness of the knowledge of males that give them that border needed in mathematics. It has been propose that the ground males perform better in mathematics is due to the sensitivity for them to larn about objects and the mechanical interactions in them from an early age. This sensitivity tends to do the adult females to switch towards larning about people and their emotional interactions. This interaction is seen more in ulterior life at the ages of school traveling kids instead than in babies ( Spelke, 2005 ) . This can be attributed to the socialisation of the kid that will do them levitate towards their gender assigned drama playthings and play subjects. Spelke ( 2005 ) proved that when speech production of the difference in knowledge there is no pronounced differences between babies. These disparities can be explained by the factors that are at drama when male childs and misss are developing. It is a complex state of affairs if knowledge is to be associated with the differences in mathematical public presentation of male childs and misss ( Gallagher & A ; Kaufman, 2005 ) . Given the same experience misss and male childs will get the same accomplishments and cognition in mathematics, demoing that knowledge and biological temperament has nil to make with the differences. This can merely be explained by Williams, Birke and Bendelow ( 2003 ) where the factors at drama are the implicit in interplay of biological capablenesss and environmental influences. This interplay of factors is the determiner of how the cognitive and accomplishments abilities in mathematics of work forces and adult females develop and accordingly differ. It is the society that has the greatest impact on the differences between male childs and misss public presentation in mathematics. The socialisation interactions of both male childs and misss are the ground why their cognitive abilities develop different signifier each other. Towards this terminal, Williams, Birke and Bendelow ( 2003 ) supports old surveies that have shown that the socialisation procedure is the predominate determiner of the differences in public presentation in mathematic. They have shown that there exist different interventions for both male childs and misss in our society from the place, school and workplace. In the procedure our gender is under the influence of civilization, where gender functions and responsibilities are defined by the same civilization. The position is that it is the societal statements that fuel scientific positions that so there are gender disparities in spacial and cognitive abilities of the sexes. Harmonizing to West and Zimmerman ( 2007 ) , it is the facet of work forces and adult females making gender functions and seeking to carry through gender that gives the differences in accomplishment in mathematics. The facet of seeking to be gender gives the work forces and adult females the ability to develop competences and recognize productivity that is based on the societal restraints. The societal construction thrusts worlds to hold a perceptual experience, interactions, and accomplishments that are based on societal complexnesss. This societal facet influences the unconscious determination by may adult females to go forth scientific discipline and mathematics callings and take up other Fieldss. Such societal complexnesss define how adult females and work forces perceive themselves in footings of their calling and professional development. The outlook of those who engage stop up in the Fieldss of scientific discipline and mathematics is that they have to set in more hours in the office, where they have to hold flexible agendas that can react to the eventualities of their occupations. Within his model, the callings in scientific discipline and mathematics will drive them to demo a continued attempt in their life rhythm, where the head is invariably working on jobs during and after working hours ( Summers, 2005 ) . The image promoted is that such callings drive work forces and adult females to demo a high degree of committedness to the work. For this ground, many work forces are ready to give this committedness with fewer adult females preferring to take up callings that can give them clip for the household. With such a perceptual experience in topographic point many misss wil l pay less attending to mathematics as compared to the male childs, giving the differences in public presentation ( Summers, 2005 ) . This societal perceptual experience of what one should anticipate if they follow a certain field has been one of the drive forces behind the differences in public presentation of work forces and adult females. Work force from an early age are expected to carry through their masculine functions as the suppliers and defenders. For this ground, the inclination is that work forces will take up callings and professions that can reflect this. Like was seen in West & A ; Zimmerman ( 2001 ) and Marini ( 2010 ) . These pigeonholing functions are still present in modern America and have been described extensively by Summers ( 2005 ) as the cause of the pick of callings by adult females. Such gender stereotyping besides influences how work forces and adult females perform in mathematics and scientific discipline. With a deficiency of involvement in scientific discipline and mathematics as a calling for the adult females, many will non set much attempt in these academic countries. Their involvem ent will be in the societal, linguistic communication and art faculty members where they excel and seek to hardly acquire a base on balls in the scientific discipline and mathematics countries. Often the society will wonder and inquire at adult females who excels in these Fieldss, with remarks to the consequence that she is tough being directed to her. It is the gender societal concepts that have shaped the perceptual experience of misss of scientific discipline and mathematics and have influenced their public presentation in these countries. As we develop our perceptual experience of gender is shaped by the society that defines who we are, what we can make. Therefore the differences in public presentation in male childs and misss mathematics and scientific discipline are under the influence of the societal cultural factors. These have in consequence created an environment where capablenesss and abilities are limited by the socially assigned gender functions.